Organization of the Saudi Space Agency
1444 AH
In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Cabinet Resolution No. (821) dated 24/11/1444 AH
The Council of Ministers
After reviewing the transaction received from the Royal Court No. 34633 dated 5/15/1444 AH, which included the telegram of His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Space Authority No. 221 dated 5/11/1444 AH, regarding the draft organization of the Saudi Space Agency.
After reviewing the aforementioned draft organization.
After reviewing the organizational arrangements of the Saudi Space Authority, issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (209) dated 4/25/1440 AH.
After reviewing Cabinet Resolution No. (253) dated 4/7/1444 AH.
After reviewing Memoranda No. (2860) dated 9/19/1444 AH and Memoranda No. (3558) dated 11/15/1444 AH, prepared by the Council of Ministers' Board of Experts.
After reviewing Recommendation No. (10-43/44/D) prepared by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs, dated 11/5/1444 AH.
After reviewing Recommendation No. (11765) dated 11/16/1444 AH by the General Committee of the Council of Ministers.
The following is decided:
First: Approval of the transformation of the Saudi Space Authority into an agency called the Saudi Space Agency.
Second: Approval of the organization of the Saudi Space Agency, in the attached form.
Third: Forming a committee from the Communications and Space Technology Commission and the Saudi Space Agency—in coordination with relevant authorities—to consider taking the necessary measures regarding the following:
Determining the fixed and movable assets, vacant and occupied positions, financial appropriations, and documents allocated to the Saudi Space Agency that will be transferred to the Saudi Space Agency.
Determining the contracts, responsibilities, rights, obligations, and the like in which the Saudi Space Agency will replace the Saudi Space Agency.
Fourth: Continuing to apply the financial and administrative regulations of the Saudi Space Agency to the employees of the Saudi Space Agency until the Board of Directors of the Saudi Space Agency issues the necessary regulations and provisions in accordance with its powers established under the agency's organization referred to in Clause (Second) of this resolution. Fifth: The Board of Directors of the Saudi Space Agency shall exercise its powers stipulated in paragraph (9) of Article (5) of the Agency's bylaws - referred to in Clause (Second) of this Resolution - in agreement with the Ministry of Finance and the Center for Non-Oil Revenue Development, pending the issuance and implementation of the Regulations for the Practice of Public Bodies and Institutions and the Like in Imposing Financial Fees for the Services and Work They Provide.
Sixth: The Communications and Space Technology Commission and the Saudi Space Agency shall continue to review relevant regulations, regulations, orders, royal decrees, and decisions. If they find it necessary to amend any of their provisions - directly or indirectly related to their work - they shall submit what they deem necessary in this regard for further action. Seventh: The entities exercising powers related to the space sector—which fall within the jurisdiction of the Saudi Space Agency, according to its organization referred to in Clause (Second) of this Resolution—shall continue to exercise their powers, in coordination with the Saudi Space Agency, until the Agency assumes those powers. The Agency shall then review the work of these entities and report on any matters requiring action.
Eighth: His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Space Agency and His Excellency the Minister of Finance shall agree on all matters related to the investment of the Agency's funds and establish appropriate mechanisms that enable the Agency to benefit from its revenues and the financial compensation for the services and work it provides—without prejudice to the provisions of Royal Circular No. (55685) dated 30/11/1438 AH—in a manner that ensures the Agency's financial sustainability.
Ninth: The Board of Directors of the Saudi Space Agency shall form an advisory committee of international and local space experts and specialists to provide support and advice to the Board, contributing to the optimal achievement of the Agency's objectives.
Prime Minister
Organization of the Saudi Space Agency
Article One
The following words and phrases, wherever they appear in these regulations, shall have the meanings indicated opposite each:
Minister: The Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
Agency: The Saudi Space Agency.
Commission: The Communications and Space Technology Commission.
Organization: The Organization of the Agency.
Board: The Agency's Board of Directors.
Chairman: The Chairman of the Board.
Chief Executive Officer: The Chief Executive Officer of the Agency.
Article Two
The Agency shall have a public legal personality and financial and administrative independence. It shall be organizationally linked to the Minister. Its headquarters shall be in Riyadh, and it may establish branches or offices inside or outside the Kingdom as needed.
Article Three
The Agency aims to lead the development of the civil space sector, promote the peaceful use of space, and enhance the Kingdom's position as a leading regional and international center in the field of space science and technology. It shall contribute to serving developmental and vital sectors in the Kingdom and possess knowledge specific to the civil space sector. Without prejudice to the powers of other government agencies, it may undertake all necessary actions to achieve its objectives, including the following:
Manufacturing and developing activities related to, supporting, and enhancing the civil space sector, including satellite technologies and systems, space data, launching spacecraft and objects, launch pads and their sites, and launching payloads.
Space monitoring, space debris monitoring and mitigation, object tracking, space traffic management, early warning systems management, and information collection on the Earth's surface and space. Implementing space programs and operations in accordance with the policies approved by the Supreme Space Council.
Selecting and training astronauts, and working to build the capacity of national cadres and develop their skills and expertise in the civil space sector, in cooperation with the Commission and relevant authorities.
Participating in rescue operations and investigating accidents and incidents related to the civil space sector.
Preparing and supporting studies and research related to the civil space sector, including astronomy and outer space exploration, space resource activities, remote sensing, space surveying, and the study of natural and environmental phenomena, in accordance with established regulations and procedures.
Cooperating with regional and international organizations, similar bodies in other countries, and local, regional, and international research and consulting bodies, within the limits of the Agency's mandate and in accordance with established regulatory procedures.
Representing the Kingdom in international bodies and organizations and regional and international events related to the Agency's mandate, after coordination with the Commission, in accordance with established regulatory procedures.
Holding exhibitions, conferences, and workshops related to the Agency's mandate, in accordance with established regulatory procedures. Concluding agreements and memoranda of understanding related to the Agency's activities, within the limits of its jurisdiction, with similar entities in other countries and with international and regional organizations, in coordination with the Authority and in accordance with applicable regulatory procedures.
Building human and technical capabilities to develop the civil space sector in the Kingdom, and developing, transferring, and localizing space science and technology, including implementing or supporting infrastructure for the civil space sector, services related to space activities, and other activities that support and enhance the sector, as well as supporting entrepreneurs and startups operating in the sector. To this end, the Agency may:
A. Establish companies, alone or in partnership with others, establish funds, or invest through the purchase of shares or stakes, merge, or acquire companies or entities engaged in similar or similar activities, inside or outside the Kingdom, in accordance with applicable regulatory procedures.
B. Purchasing and acquiring assets and concluding dispositions of movable and immovable property, and may lease and mortgage such property, in accordance with applicable regulatory procedures.
C. Approving the conclusion of agreements and contracts, in accordance with applicable regulatory procedures.
D- Establishing research centers and academies to support the civil space sector.
Working to raise awareness of space science, technology, and its uses, in coordination with relevant authorities.
Article Four
The Agency shall have a Board of Directors chaired by the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and including the following members:
The Governor of the Communications and Space Technology Commission (Vice Chairman).
The President of the General Authority of Civil Aviation.
The President of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.
Three individuals with experience and expertise in the Agency's field of work, appointed by order of the Prime Minister based on a proposal from the President. Their term of membership shall be three years, renewable once.
Article Five
The Council is the supreme authority responsible for managing the Agency's affairs, conducting its business, and formulating its general policy within the limits of the provisions of the organization and other relevant regulations. It takes all decisions necessary to achieve its objectives, and is specifically responsible for the following:
Proposing policies related to the Agency's activities, and the strategies, plans, and programs necessary for their implementation, and submitting them to the Authority for completion of regulatory procedures.
Proposing draft regulations related to the Agency's activities, proposing amendments to existing regulations, and submitting them to the relevant regulatory and oversight body for approval in accordance with established regulatory procedures.
Approving the plans and technical requirements necessary for implementing, operating, and developing the space sector's infrastructure, including ground stations, and activities and technologies related to space missions.
Adopting policies and standards related to the safety and sustainability of space activities and space security.
Approving the Agency's organizational structure.
Approving administrative and financial regulations, and other regulations necessary for the Agency's operations, provided that the administrative regulations are approved in agreement with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and that the financial regulations and provisions with financial impact in the administrative regulations are approved in agreement with the Ministry of Finance.
Approving the establishment of branches and offices for the Agency inside or outside the Kingdom, as needed.
Approving the Agency's draft annual budget, its final accounts, and its annual report, in preparation for submission in accordance with regulatory procedures.
Determining the financial compensation for the services and work provided by the Agency for which the Council deems it necessary to obtain financial compensation.
Approving the use of study, research, and planning centers, consultancies, experts, and consultants to achieve the Agency's objectives.
Appointing an external auditor and an internal financial controller.
Approving the conclusion of agreements, memoranda of understanding, and contracts, in accordance with applicable regulatory procedures.
Accepting gifts, donations, grants, wills, and endowments, in accordance with the relevant regulating provisions.
Reviewing periodic reports submitted to it on the Agency's workflow.
Approval of the Agency's establishment of companies, funds, research centers, and academies supporting the space sector or contributing to them, in accordance with regulatory procedures.
To fulfill these functions, the Council may form permanent or temporary committees from its members or others, to which it may assign any tasks it deems appropriate. The decision to form each committee shall specify its chairperson, members, and powers. The committee may seek assistance from whomever it deems appropriate to perform the tasks assigned to it. The Council may delegate some of its powers to its chairperson, any of its members, or the Chief Executive Officer.
Article Six
Council meetings shall be held at the Agency's headquarters, elsewhere, or remotely, chaired by the President or his/her deputy.
The Council shall hold regular meetings at least four times a year. The President may call for a meeting whenever necessary, or at the request of at least four members of the Council. The invitation to the meeting shall be sent by the President or his/her deputy in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting, and the invitation shall include the agenda and location of the meeting. A Board meeting is valid if attended by at least a majority of the members, including the Chairman or Vice Chairman. Decisions are passed by at least a majority of the votes of those present. In the event of a tie, the side with which the Chairman voted shall prevail. Board decisions may be passed by circulation among the members.
Board deliberations and decisions shall be recorded in minutes signed by the Chairman of the meeting and the members present.
A Board member may not abstain from voting or authorize another member to vote on his or her behalf in his or her absence. A member who objects may record their objection and the reasons for their objection in the minutes of the Board meeting.
The Chairman may invite whomever he or she deems appropriate to attend meetings, but such members shall not have the right to vote.
Article Seven
The Agency shall have an Executive Director appointed by a decision of the Board. The appointment decision shall determine his salary and financial benefits. He shall be responsible for managing the Agency's affairs, and his responsibilities shall be focused on the limits stipulated in the bylaws and decided by the Board. He shall assume the following powers and duties:
A. Supervising the Agency's workflow through the approved bylaws, plans, and programs.
B. Proposing work policies related to the Agency's activities, as well as the plans and programs necessary for their implementation, submitting them to the Board, and following up on their implementation after their approval.
C. Proposing the Agency's organizational structure, draft administrative and financial bylaws, and other internal regulations necessary for the Agency's work, and submitting them to the Board for approval.
D. Appointing, supervising, and terminating Agency employees, in accordance with the bylaws.
E. Issuing orders for Agency expenditures in accordance with the approved annual budget and Agency bylaws, and signing contracts, memoranda of understanding, and other matters as decided by the Board.
F. Preparing the Agency's draft annual budget, draft final accounts, and annual report, and submitting them to the Board for approval.
G. Representing the Agency before the judiciary, government agencies, other relevant institutions and bodies, and other entities inside and outside the Kingdom, and may authorize others to do so.
H. Preparing periodic reports on the Agency's work and achievements, and any obstacles to achieving its objectives, and submitting his recommendations in this regard to the Council.
I. Submitting proposals to the Council regarding matters within the Agency's jurisdiction.
J. Any other jurisdiction assigned to him by the Council or the Agency's regulations.
The Chief Executive Officer may delegate some of his powers, duties, and authorities to other Agency employees.
Article Eight
The Agency's financial resources shall consist of the following:
A. Appropriations allocated to it in the State's general budget.
B. Gifts, donations, grants, wills, and endowments accepted by the Council, in accordance with the relevant regulating provisions.
C. Financial compensation for services and work provided by the Agency.
D. Any other resource approved by the Council, provided that it does not violate laws and regulations.
E. Returns on investments of Agency funds.
The Agency's funds shall be deposited in the Ministry of Finance's current account at the Saudi Central Bank.
The Agency shall open an account at the Saudi Central Bank and may open other accounts at any bank licensed to operate in the Kingdom. Disbursements from these accounts shall be made in accordance with the Agency's budget and financial regulations.
Article Nine
The Agency shall have an independent annual budget, issued in accordance with the arrangements for issuing the State's general budget.
The Agency's fiscal year shall be the fiscal year of the State.
Article Ten
Without prejudice to the authority of the General Auditing Bureau to oversee the Agency's accounts and operations, the Board shall appoint one (or more) external auditors licensed to operate in the Kingdom to audit its accounts, transactions, statements, annual budget, and final accounts. The Board shall determine their remuneration, submit the auditor's report to the Board, and provide the General Auditing Bureau with a copy after its approval by the Board.
Article Eleven
Agency employees shall be subject to the provisions of the Labor Law and the Social Insurance Law.
Article Twelve
This regulation replaces the organizational arrangements of the Saudi Space Authority, issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (209) dated 4/25/1440 AH.
Article Thirteen
This regulation shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall take effect from the date of its issuance.