
Terms and procedures for filing a lawsuit against a veterinary system for selling medical drugs in Egypt.

The veterinary profession is a vital profession that contributes to maintaining the health of animals and livestock. If you wish to open a veterinary center to sell and trade veterinary medicines in Egypt, the General Organization for Veterinary Services, affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, is responsible for granting the license. In this article, we will explain the conditions and documents required to obtain a license, in addition to the legal procedures that must be followed.

Responsible Authority for Licensing: Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (General Organization for Veterinary Services).

- The documents required to obtain a license to open a veterinary center to sell and trade veterinary medicines are:
A license application submitted to the General Organization for Veterinary Services.
A district license approving the use of the premises for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines.
A copy of the national ID or family card.
A copy of the tax card.
The commercial register.
Four personal photos.
A sketch of the premises for which the license is requested.
A certificate of veterinary medicine registration.
A certificate of veterinary medicine pricing.
A letter from the Veterinary Syndicate stating registration and practice. The requirements for obtaining a license to open a veterinary center for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines are:
A veterinary center for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines may not be opened without a license from the General Authority for Veterinary Services. This license shall not be issued unless the location meets the veterinary health requirements.
This license is personal to the center owner and may not be transferred except with the approval of the General Authority for Veterinary Services. The transferee must meet the conditions specified in this decision.
Anyone wishing to open a veterinary center for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines must meet the following requirements:
Be of Egyptian nationality.
Be a licensed veterinarian.
Be registered in the records of the Veterinary Syndicate.
Be of good conduct.
Be registered in the register maintained for this purpose by the General Authority for Veterinary Services.
The premises designated for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines must have all the necessary amenities, including good ventilation and a minimum area of ​​25 square meters.
The name of the center, its owner, and the manager must be clearly written on the facade of the center in Arabic.
The manager responsible for the center must be a full-time veterinarian licensed to practice the profession, a member of the Veterinary Syndicate, and have at least one year of experience in this field. The Syndicate must be notified of this.
A person licensed to sell and trade veterinary medicines must maintain a serially numbered register approved by the General Authority for Veterinary Services, which must contain the following information:
Name of the species
Name of the producing company
Country of origin
Batch number
Expiration date
Import license number and date
Quantity imported
Date of provisional release
Copy of the inspection certificate
Date of provisional release

A licensee may not trade in veterinary medicines unless they are registered and priced by the General Authority for Veterinary Services.
Periodical inspections of veterinary medicine sales and distribution centers are conducted by the competent authorities of the General Authority for Veterinary Services and the Veterinary Medicine Directorates in the governorates at least once a year to verify compliance with the established requirements.
- If the inspection reveals a violation, the center director shall notify the center director to rectify the violation within a maximum period of 30 days. In the case of serious violations, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Veterinary Services may, based on a recommendation from the Director of Veterinary Medicine in the governorate, order the administrative closure of the center. Management may not resume until the reasons for closure have been removed.
A veterinarian licensed to operate a veterinary clinic or veterinary hospital may be licensed to possess certain types of veterinary medicines for the use of his patients only. In this regard, he is subject to all the provisions pertaining to sales and distribution centers specified in this decision.
The license of a veterinary medicine sales and distribution center shall be revoked in the following cases:
If the center has been closed continuously for a period exceeding one calendar year, unless an application is submitted explaining the reason for the cessation of activity.
If the center is relocated from its location to another location, unless the relocation occurred due to demolition or fire, it may be relocated with the same license to another location provided that the prescribed health conditions are met and the cancellation or transfer is noted on the license in the records designated for this purpose at the General Authority for Veterinary Services.
If the facility is managed for a purpose other than that for which the license was granted.
If a ruling is issued to permanently close or remove the facility.
As an exception to Clause (3) of the requirements for centers engaged in the sale and trade of veterinary medicines, prior to the implementation of this decision, they must apply to the General Authority for Veterinary Services within six months from the effective date of this decision to obtain the necessary license. To be licensed, the responsible manager must be a veterinarian who meets the aforementioned conditions. If the six-month period expires without a license application being submitted, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Veterinary Services may order the temporary closure of the center until the licensing procedures are completed.

The procedures required to obtain a license to open a veterinary center for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines are as follows:
The application for a license to open a center for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines is submitted to the General Authority for Veterinary Services.
The location to be licensed is inspected by the General Authority for Veterinary Services to verify that it meets the conditions and specifications for practicing the activity.
Licenses issued by the General Authority for Veterinary Services are recorded in special records prepared for this purpose. The record includes the license number, date, name of the licensee, address of the center, and its manager, if any.

By following these guidelines, you can legally open a veterinary center for the sale and trade of veterinary medicines in compliance with the standards of the General Authority for Veterinary Services. If you need legal advice or assistance with the licensing procedures, please feel free to contact Saadani & Partners Legal Services for full support.

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