Ms. Aya Salah

Senior corporate lawyer
Ms. Aya Salah

معلومات التواصل

  • الهاتف: + (202) 22870903 +(202) 22870905

    موبايل: + (20) 1069460940

  • البريد الالكتروني


Ms. Aya has wide experience in representing clients before the General Tax Authority and all its offices, defend the clients` interests in the Tax Appeal committees, prepare and submit tax reports.

Moreover, she has experience in dealing with the General Authority for Investment (GAFI), representing companies in the commercial register in the Chamber of Commerce. - Dealing with the General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC), Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI), and Industrial Development Authority (IDA), registration of the trademark, dealing with the Notary Public, obtaining all types of licenses in various governmental authorities and - Assisting in the renewal of operation licenses and related approvals by authorities of already functioning stores and prolongation of various licenses, communicating with banks (for opening of bank accounts), renewal of approvals or licenses and problem-solving (if any) of the already operational stores.

- Assisting in submitting all documentation to the municipality/city council or any other government-related entity, follow-up letters, invitations, and warning letters via court related to operation license issuance the process with the municipality, city council, and any other governmental authorities and all its related requirements with all the concerned government authorities to conduct the required process, inspection, official fees payment, drafting, editing and reviewing various types of contract, SLA, Distribution agreements, Joint Venture agreement and Memorandum of Understanding etc…., conducting legal research and issuing legal opinions.

Contact Me

+ (20) 1069460940