Mr. Taher Yehia Jaheen

Senior litigation attorney
Mr. Taher Yehia Jaheen

معلومات التواصل

  • الهاتف: + (202) 22870903 +(202) 22870905

    موبايل: + (20) 1069460940

  • البريد الالكتروني


He has more than 25 years of experience in all forms of High Courts and he is an expert in all areas of Civil and Commercial Disputes, Labor Work, Disputes before Administrative Courts and the Council of the State, and an expert in Criminal Laws.


He also has a wide experience in the issues covered by litigation and arbitration including matters of Civil and Commercial Law, procedural issues, contract interpretation, enforcement of both foreign and Egyptian Judgments, attendance before taxation committees, and the conduct of litigation before the Administrative Courts concerning the challenge of Administrative decisions issued by various governmental authorities.

Contact Me

+ (20) 1069460940