Mr. Mohab Moataz Kamel Hussein

Senior immigration lawyer
Mr. Mohab Moataz Kamel Hussein

معلومات التواصل

  • الهاتف: + (202) 22870903 +(202) 22870905

    موبايل: + (20) 1069460940

  • البريد الالكتروني


Mr. Mohab has extensive experience in the corporate law field, drafting minutes for EGM and OGM and writing and reviewing all types of bilingual contracts (lease, consulting, employment, sale, and acquisition). He assists clients at the Notary

Public, the Egyptian Bar Association, GAFI, and obtaining various certificates from the Cairo Chamber of Commerce.

He takes care of the company commercial register and publication of the decisions of EGM in the company’s gazette in GAFI. Also, Mr. Mohab has experience in immigration law. His expertise in the immigration field covers drafting the required documents and templates to submit approval on admission requests for the expatriates who establish the companies in Egypt and obtain the security code for them. He also assists with the HIV tests to acquire work and residence permits and he deals with the governmental bodies to obtain security clearance for expatriates.

In addition to the above, Mr. Mohab has more than 5 years of experience in the Immigration field, he can assist different types of companies to secure the approval on admission to the Expats from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), assist the Expats in obtaining the work permit to be able to work in Egypt and to issue their residence permit.

Moreover, he is excellent at translating contracts, certificates, EGM and OGM, and legal articles from English to Arabic and vice versa as well as conducting legal research.

Languages: Arabic, English.

Contact Me

+ (20) 1069460940