Dahlia Hakim

Senior Corporate Associate
Dahlia Hakim

معلومات التواصل

  • الهاتف: + (202) 22870903 +(202) 22870905

    موبايل: + (20) 1069460940

  • البريد الالكتروني:info@sadanykhalifa.com


Dahlia is a senior corporate associate at Sadany & Khalifa Law firm. Before joining the firm, she worked as a senior associate for an international law firm such as: Open Chance in collaboration with an American law firm named Andrews Kurth, MTK International  Law Firm and Nafei Law Firm. Moreover, she has conducted many studies, articles and legal researches range from the Oil & Gas field, Company formation and Intellectual Property rights to Corporate Governance guidance. Also, she is working for many legal academies in Egypt.
Languages: Arabic, English.

Contact Me

+ (20) 1069460940