
Labor Disputes

Sadany&Partners Law Firm offers labor legal consultations – mainly to companies, so we have the best labor and employment lawyers in Egypt. One of the most frequently occurring issues faced by companies is mainly on labor-related issues. Sadany&Partners Law Firm has a consistent approach which is primarily a preventative one, aimed at setting the necessary precautionary measures in place to prevent any potential problem. To this end, our law firm helps companies to set regulatory procedures and policies as per the provisions of the Egyptian labor law, thus organizing the relationship between the worker and the employer in terms of the minutest details. Consequently, the worker and employer can refer to these regulations in the event of any disagreement, which will pre-empt any potential dispute.

Sadany&Partners Law Firm also helps its clients to preserve their rights through drafting individual employment contracts thereby preventing any potential future disputes.

Finally, our Law Firm protects its clients by representing them before the labor courts of various degrees.  

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+ (20) 1069460940 +(966) 598488676